Open post

“First 7 Jobs” Potluck Event

What were your first 7 jobs?

Share your stories, and learn more from your friends and fellow workers…



You might have seen #firstsevenjobs buzzing around on social media last month. The Portland IWW invites you to an event to eat some food, share our “first seven job” stories, and hear yours!

We’ll have a few Wobblies get us started by sharing their stories, and then open up the mic. At the end, we’ll award some prizes for the winner of our special BINGO. No need to feel embarassed, everyone’s got a great story to tell!

This will be a potluck so in addition to bringing your stories, bring a labeled dish/beverage to share!

If you’ve never been to our hall or any Portland IWW event, this will be a good first event to make it out to! The Portland IWW Hall is located at 2249 E Burnside St.

We hope to see you there!

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